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Lawyers For Issues Concerning Supportive Relationships And Alimony

In 2005, Florida law was changed and now Florida Statute Section 61.14 provides for the reduction or termination of alimony if the court finds that a supportive relationship exists between the person receiving alimony and a person with whom the recipient resides. At the Law Office of Cheryl Bucker, P.A., in Pompano Beach, Florida, our family law attorneys have experience navigating this complex area of law and will offer you straightforward advice based on your unique circumstances.

What Makes A Relationship Supportive?

In order to examine the nature and extent of the supportive relationship, the court must give consideration to all circumstances, including but not limited to the following factors under Florida Statute Section 61.14:

  • Any extent as to which the recipient and the other person have held themselves out as a married couple, or otherwise conduct themselves in a manner evidencing a permanent supportive relationship.
  • Period of time that the recipient has resided with the other person in a permanent place of residence.
  • Extent to which the recipient and the other person have pooled their assets or income or otherwise commingled their finances.
  • Whether the recipient and the other person have jointly contributed to the purchase of any real or personal property.
  • Evidence supporting the existence of an agreement regarding the support between the recipient and the other person.
  • Whether the recipient and the other person have provided support to the children of one another, regardless of any legal duty to do so.

We Offer Complimentary Consultations

Contact our lawyers online or call 954-781-8230 to schedule your free consultation.