The word “probate” is enough to strike fear into the hearts of many Florida residents who are considering their estate planning. However, as we are aware at the Law Office of Cheryl Bucker, P.A., probate does not have to be a bad word. In fact, probate is usually...
Your Tomorrow
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Month: December 2019
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Do you still need an attorney in an uncontested divorce?
Getting a divorce is usually difficult in even the best situations. Along with other Florida residents, you may be considering whether an uncontested divorce is right for you. You may have heard that an amicable divorce can reduce the stress couples experience during...
Understanding intestate succession
Even though most people in Pompano Beach likely understand the need for estate planning, many may understandably feel uncomfortable when approaching the topic. There is always the concern that no matter how inclusive one might try to be with a will, there is bound to...