As a well-paid married female Florida business professional, you may discover that your high earning capacity leaves you open to the possibility of paying manimony should you and your husband divorce. What is manimony? As reported by, that is the nickname...
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Florida Family Law Blog
Why do divorce rates increase with subsequent marriages?
If your first marriage was not successful, will your second marriage stand a better chance? How about your third marriage? Some people believe that the first marriage is simply a ‘trial run’, and that the mistakes learned during the first marriage will help prevent...
Is joint-custody beneficial for kids?
Filing for divorce is often an overwhelming and emotional process, especially when there are children involved. In some cases, the judge presiding over the case will grant sole-physical custody to the parent who provided the most care for the child during the...
Is it time to put a forensic accountant on your legal team?
If you are half of a high-asset Florida couple contemplating divorce, it may have occurred to you that your spouse could be attempting to hide marital assets from you. Unfortunately, many greedy or vindictive spouses do this to enhance their own post-divorce financial...
Find a holiday schedule that works for everyone
Now that they are in the midst of the holiday season, many Florida parents will need to decide how to divide their time with the children. Many parents may want to spend as much time as possible with their kids, so it is a good idea to have a holiday schedule. If...
Can you modify alimony in Florida?
It is not uncommon for individuals’ financial circumstances to drastically change post-divorce, and for the support obligations ordered at the time of divorce to become unreasonable. If the court handed you a support order five, 10 or 20 years ago that you can no...
What am I allowed to buy with child support?
The life of a single parent can be hard, especially for Florida residents who are going through financial challenges. If you are the custodial parent, you know that the child support you receive can be a lifesaver. However, you may also wonder if the courts will...
How social media can affect your divorce
Social media can have a major impact on your divorce. Comments, messages, photos and tweets are becoming crucial evidence in a court of law, especially in divorce proceedings. Do not make the mistake of letting your Facebook and other social media accounts ruin your...
Freezing your embryos? You should also get a postnup.
You’ve always been a planner. You were 25 when you got married. You and your husband both had good jobs, and together you mapped out your professional goals and advancements up the ladder over the next decade. Kids wouldn’t enter into the equation until you were 35 at...
Is the other parent interfering with your time?
When sharing custody or visitation with someone else, it is natural to be concerned with the fairness of your time with your children. Although individual Parenting Plans may vary, child custody and visitation orders set forth your rights as a parent. You deserve to...